Surkhet– Lately the game Pickleball , which has huge numbers of followers in Europe and America is growing in Nepal with electricity speed. Pickalball Nepal has successfully conducted a demonstration program at surkhet , headquarter of Karnali province. Pickleball association surkhet had organized the program.
स्रोतहरू खुलाइएका बाहेक ग्लोबल नागरिकमा प्रकाशित सम्पूर्ण सामग्रीहरू ग्लोबल जर्नालिस्ट ग्रुपका सम्पत्ति हुन् । यसमा प्रकाशित कुनै पनि सामग्रीहरू छापा, विद्युतीय, प्रसारण वा अन्य कुनै पनि माध्यमबाट पुनःप्रकाशन वा प्रसारण गर्नुअघि अनुमति लिनुहुन अनुरोध छ ।